Always Wanting You

Logo van K-Rose
K-Rose in GTA San Andreas
Amos Moses Jerry Reed
Lousina Woman, Mississippi Man Conway Twitty & Loretta Lynn
Hey Good Looking Hank Williams
Queen Of Hearts Juice Newton
The Letter That Johnny Walker Read Asleep At The Wheel
One Step Forward The Desert Rose Band
Crazy Willie Nelson
Three Cigarettes In The Ashtray Patsy Cline
Bed Of Rose's Statler
Make The World Go Away Micky Gilley
Mama Don't Let Your Babies
Grow Up To Be Cowboys
Ed Bruce
Always Wanting You Merle Haggard
All My Ex's Live In Texas Whitey Shafer
I Love A Rainy Night Eddie Rabbit

Always wanting you, but never having you
Makes it hard to face tomorrow cause I
Know I'll be wanting you again
Always loving you, but never touching you
Sometimes hurts me almost more than I can stand

I'd been better off if I'd turned away and never
Looked at you the second time
'Cause I really had my life all together till your eyes meet mine

And there I say a yearning and a feeling cross
The room that you felt for me
Wish I'd had a way of knowing that the things we had in
Mind could never be

Always wanting you, but never having you
Makes it hard to face tomorrow cause I
Know I'll be wanting you again
Always loving you, but never touching you
Sometimes hurts me almost more than I can stand


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