
Logo van Flash FM
Flash FM in GTA Vice City Stories
Gloria Laura Branigan
Human Touch Rick Springfield
The One Thing Inxs
Easy Lover Phil Collins & Philip Bailey
The Warrior Scandal
Love Resurrection Alison Moyet
Games People Play Alan Parsons Project
Family Man Hall & Oates
Love is a Battlefield Pat Benatar
Wouldn't it Be Good Nik Kershaw
Together in Electric Dreams Phil Oakley & Giorgio Moroder
It's My Life Talk Talk
Destination Unknown Missing Persons
Don't Let Go Wang Chung
Appaloosa Gino Vannelli
Turn it On Again Genesis
Living on the Ceiling Blancmange
Come Back and Stay Paul Young

Appaloosa, runnin' wild in the dead of the night
Appaloosa, you're the message of love and light

Apparitions, they grow wild in the plains of my mind
I get visions of the mountain that I must climb

Freedom ain't no illusion
A truth no money can buy
With your sweet absolution
I will follow my star
For the rest of my life
It goes on and on

Appaloosa, runnin' high in the heavens above
Appaloosa, you're the angel of God I love

Freedom ain't no deception
A truth no man can deny
With your love and direction
I will follow my star
For the rest of my life
It goes on and on

Appaloosa, Appaloosa, Appaloosa, Appaloosa
Appaloosa, runnin' wild in the wake of the dawn
Appaloosa, you're the spirit that turns me on

Appaloosa, Appaloosa, Appaloosa, Appaloosa


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