Electric Eye

Logo van V-Rock
V-Rock in GTA Vice City Stories
Holy Diver Dio
Queen Of The Reich Queensryche
Lick It Up Kiss
Breaking the Chains Dokken
All I'm Gonna Take Autograph
Balls To The Wall Accept
Rock You Like A Hurricane Scorpions
Long Stick Goes Boom Krokus
Stranglehold Ted Nugent
Round and Round Ratt
Electric Eye Judas Priest
Looks That Kill Mötley Crüe
Metal Health
(Bang Your Head)
Quiet Riot

Hoofdpagina > GTA Vice City Stories > Radiozenders > V-Rock > Electric Eye

Up here in space
I'm looking down on you.
My lasers trace
Everything you do.
You think you've private lives
Think nothing of the kind.
There is no true escape

I'm watching all the time.
I'm made of metal
My circuits gleam.
I am perpetual
I keep the country clean.

I'm elected electric spy
I protected electric eye.
Always in focus
You can't feel my stare.
I zoom into you
You don't know I'm there.
I take a pride in probing all your secret moves
My tearless retina takes pictures that can prove.

Electric eye, in the sky
Feel my stare, always there
's nothing you can do about it.
Develop and expose
I feed upon your every thought
And so my power grows.
Protected. Detective. Electric eye.


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