
Logo van Vice City For Lovers
Vice City For Lovers in GTA Vice City Stories
Sexual Healing Marvin Gaye
Fantasy Earth, Wind & Fire
It Started With a Kiss Hot Chocolate
Mary Jane Rick James
Nightshift The Commodores
Mambo Wally Babarou
It's Ecstasy When You
Lay Down Next to Me
Barry White
You Can't Turn Me Away Sylvia Striplin
Everybody Loves the Sunshine Roy Ayers
Risin' to the Top Keni Burke
Love TKO Teddy Pendergrass

Hoofdpagina > GTA Vice City Stories > Vice City For Lovers > Fantasy

Every man has a place, in his heart there's a space,
And the world cant erase his fantasies
Take a ride in the sky, on our ship fantasy
All your dreams will come true, right away

And we will live together, until the twelfth of never
Our voices will ring forever, as one

Every thought is a dream, rushing by in a stream,
Bringing life to our kingdom of doing
Take a ride in the sky, on our ship fantasy
All your dreams will come true, miles away

Our voices will ring together until the twelfth of never,
We all, will live forever, as one

Come see victory, in the land called fantasy
Loving life, a new decree,
Bring your mind to everlasting liberty

Our minds will explore together, old worlds, we conquer, forever
We then, will expand love together, as one

Come to see, victory in a land called fantasy,
Loving life, for you and me, to behold, to your soul is ecstasy
You will find, other kind, that has been in search for you,
Many lives has brought you to
Recognize its your life, now in review
And as you stay for the play, fantasy, has in store for you,
A glowing light will see you through

Its your day, shining day, all your dreams come true
As you glide, in your stride with the wind, as you fly away
Give a smile, from your lips, and say
I am free, yes I'm free, now I'm on my way


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