Script (GTA Vice City Stories)

Hoofdpagina > Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories > Script


1 Soldier 7 Shakedown 13 When Funday Comes 19 Robbing the Cradle 25 Havana Good Time
2 Cleaning House 8 Fear the Repo 14 Takin' Out the White-Trash 20 The Audition 26 Caught as an Act
3 Conduct Unbecoming 9 Waking Up the Neighbors 15 D.I.V.O.R.C.E. 21 Money for Nothing 27 Leap and Bound
4 Cholo Victory 10 O, Brothel, Where Art Thou? 16 To Victor, the Spoils 22 Nice Package 28 The Bum Deal
5 Boomshine Blowout 11 Got Protection? 17 Jive Drive 23 Balls 29 Snitch Hitch
6 Truck Stop 12 Marked Men 18 Hose the Hoes 24 Papi don't Screech 30 From Zero to Hero


Victor Vance Vic Vance reporting for duty sir.
Jerry Martinez Ha ha ha! Relax, relax. Are you well?
Victor Vance Yes, thank you. Sergeant.
Jerry Martinez Good. In here, you can call me Jerry.
Victor Vance Okay.
Jerry Martinez Okay... Jerry, huh? Heh heh! Now, Vic, tell me... why did you sign up, huh? To stay out of jail? Because you like getting shouted at, huh? What makes you polish your boots and put bullets in your gun in the hopes that maybe you'll get to shoot someone, huh? Ha ha ha!
Victor Vance I got a difficult family. I got responsibilities.
Jerry Martinez What, kids? A broad giving you shit?
Victor Vance No, brothers. One is real sick, asthma, and I gotta pay the bills, the other, well, maybe he's sick too, but in a different way... My mom's a mess.
Jerry Martinez So, you joined the army... to get rich?
Victor Vance Not exactly. But y'know, my dad he came here from DR, we didn't have a lot of opportunities. What else was I supposed to do? Why did you join up?
Jerry Martinez To get rich!
Victor Vance Why are you messing with me, sergeant?
Jerry Martinez I ain't. Chill. Relax. Take a seat. Look, Vic. There are plenty of opportunities for a man who knows the game to make real money. So...
Victor Vance I don't want any trouble, man.
Jerry Martinez Who wants trouble? Nobody. Everybody wants to relax. No trouble. And there's plenty of money to be made. Nice and easy.
Victor Vance Listen, I don't think this is for me. So, if there's nothing else...
Jerry Martinez Hey, relax, huh? Come on Vic. I need a favor. No risk.
Victor Vance So why do you need me if there's no risk?
Jerry Martinez Because I gotta take registration. Besides, you're not on duty for a couple of days. Listen, you take my bike, you go over to the airport and you pick up a package for me, huh?
Victor Vance Okay, just this one favor and that's it.
Jerry Martinez Good. Listen, if plans change, I'll let you know.
Victor Vance What's this?
Jerry Martinez It's a pager, tough guy. Welcome to the 80's Vic.
Unkown person Hey, army boy. Jerry sent you, si?
Victor Vance Jerry? Ah, Sergeant Martinez... Sure.
Unkown person Come with me soldier. I've got something for your boss.
Victor Vance Man, life's been good to you.
Unkown person Hm hmm... Come on. Let's take a ride. Here's Jerry's stuff... Tell him my cut goes up next time. Vice City's getting too peligroso for us freelancers... Speaking of which... we've got company. Grab that gun and take them out. Abandon ship!

Cleaning House

Jerry Martinez Sure. No worries. Oh, look, I gotta go. The cavalry just turned up. OK, bye. Corporal, what can I do for you?
Victor Vance Listen, Jerry, you gotta get rid of that stuff. It's making me nervous. I'm not into drugs, and I don't...
Jerry Martinez Chill the fuck out, my friend. You're really getting on my nerves. Besides, who are you going to get in trouble with? I'm your superior officer… And you told me you needed the money.
Victor Vance I do need the money…
Jerry Martinez Uh-huh! But you don't like drugs?
Victor Vance I don't think they're a good scène.
Jerry Martinez Me neither. But you like gun, huh? They don't give you a moral problem I mean?
Victor Vance No.
Jerry Martinez Good, cause I know a guy who can sell all the guns we can get him. Which is, trust me, quite a lot.
Victor Vance I don't know Sergeant, this is getting heavy.
Jerry Martinez You'll make a whole pile of cash, for nothing. Buy that sick brother of yours a whole lot of candy.
Victor Vance What do I have to do?
Jerry Martinez Nothing. Just go and pick up the money from him. He's down over by the docks. Hey Vic! You want some of this, huh?
Phil Cassidy You must be Vic. Jerry told me about you. Hey, I used to be in the service…
Victor Vance Yeah, listen, he said you'd have some money for me.
Phil Cassidy Sure. Sure… Well, I ain't a bank…I don't have it on me. But I'll take you to it.
Phil Cassidy I've been having trouble with them Cholo boys. Some of them have been…
Victor Vance What the hell is a Cholo?
Phil Cassidy Bunch of Mexican Gang-bangers. Bad boys, trying to take over all the gun running in town.
Victor Vance Look. Where's the money Phil?
Phil Cassidy Yea, well, funny thing, you see, it's like this… It's under the floorboards at my old place. But the Cholo evicted me and now I can't get to it.
Victor Vance I'll get to it. See you around.

Conduct Unbecoming

Jerry Martinez Hooo! Hey, Victor Vance! Wow... did anyone ever tell you you've got a really dumb name?
Victor Vance No, no one's ever mentioned that before.
Jerry Martinez Oh my, look at that... hey, is that legal? Can animals give consent?
Victor Vance I don't know. Listen, Jerry. Can you stash that weed somewhere else?
Jerry Martinez Weed? What weed? Ha ha ha! I'm shitting with you, come on! Having fun, rock and roll! Oh, would you fucking relax, my friend?
Victor Vance Look, I'm not some idiot that you can just...
Jerry Martinez I never called you an idiot. Oh, shhh, shhh - look at that - oooh, now she got a pig and a horse. Hooowee! Heh heh. That's Candy Suxxx! He he he! That's some guy's daughter man!
Victor Vance Listen, Jerry -
Jerry Martinez No, you listen, huh? Oh, dude - would you look at that - man - I gotta get laid. Oh jeez... Hey, if you weren't such a square I'd do you, huh? Ha ha ha! I'm joking! Come on. This is the army - not the navy, huh? Heh heh heh! Listen, man, I need a broad, huh? Oh - I need Mary... Mary, yeah, oh, Mary, Mary quite contrary... Ha ha ha! Oh come on man, I need a favor.
Victor Vance I need you to collect your pot, dude
Jerry Martinez Sure. I'll go get that from your quarters, you go get Mary for me, okay? She's over at Viceport. Oh, and go see Phil again. He said something about a gift for you.
Victor Vance I don't trust you, Martinez.
Jerry Martinez Hey, that is not an appropriate way to speak to a superior officer. Ha ha ha! Now get on with it.
Victor Vance The reefer is under my bed.
Jerry Martinez Oh, genius! Great hiding place... what are you? 15? Hurry up... oh, hey, tell Mary I love her!
Victor Vance Fucking idiot.
Phil Cassidy Hey Vic. How you doing? Martinez wanted me to give you this. Don't worry, it's non-traceable.
Victor Vance Don't worry? Man, I'm getting too deep into this shit.
Victor Vance Do you know Mary?
Mona "If you want Mary, she's at a party up on Starfish. I'm heading over there myself you can give me a lift."
Mona I'm Mona, by the way. If there's anything I can do for you, or to you, just let me know.
Mona Thanks for the ride rugged fella. Maybe I can pay you back in kind later?
Victor Vance I just need to find Mary.
Mona Sure. She's right over there.
Victor Vance Are you Mary? C'mon. Let's go.
Onbekend persoon Hey, we've paid for her! She's not going anywhere!
Victor Vance Is that a fact?
Onbekend persoon Damn right! C'mon! Let's get this lowlife nobody, and teach this bitch a lesson too!
Mary Take it easy, muscles, I've got a delicate disposition. Did Martinez send you? That cockroach still owes me from last time.
Sgt. Peppah Corporal Vance! Would you care to explain why there's marijuana hidden under your bed? And who the Sam Hill is this?
Mary Hey buddy, listen I charge more for groups.
Sgt. Peppah You brought a whore onto the base! Have you no shame boy! Are you a moron? Is that it? DRUGS! WHORES! You're out of here soldier! You're a disgrace.

Cholo Victory

Victor Vance Phil? Where are you? Phil, it's me, Vic.
Phil Cassidy Put yer hands where I can see 'em, boy. You think you can come here and rob me? Probably try to rape me? I know your kind…
Victor Vance Phil - it's me - Vic. Your brother in arms.
Phil Cassidy I'm gonna teach you a lesson. Lower your pants and prepare to cry. I'm gonna give you a shotgun suppository.
Victor Vance PHIL! It's me. Vic. Vic Vance!
Phil Cassidy Vic! Why didn't you say so? Good to see you brother. Let me squeeze a fart out of ya.C'mere. I'm sorry about Bruce man. He was the best. I can still see the smile on his face when he shot that little gook… Bang! Go to hell…Damn…
Victor Vance Have you been drinking?
Phil Cassidy What do you think? Listen, we gotta go. I got something to show you. Come on. Come on! Come on! Now!
Victor Vance Hold on... You're gonna drive?
Phil Cassidy Let's go! YEEE-HAAAR!
Victor Vance Maybe I should drive, man.
Phil Cassidy Damn stick-shift!
Phil Cassidy Vic, we're gonna drive-by on some Cholo. I know where we can pick up their trail… I'm just trying to make an honest living, man... but they're organized. I can't compete, man... you know this used to be a fine country…
Phil Cassidy Aw, nothing... Felt for sure some Cholos would be here… Those scumbags are always crossing the law. Let's not hang around here Vic. Cops make me nervous.
Victor Vance I hear you, man.
Phil Cassidy Sometimes I schitz out and kill the lot of them… Say... I know another place those damn Cholos might be…
Phil Cassidy Strike two. Where are they? This could take hours. Good job I brought a little something to drink. Cholo bastard! There he is! Cholo bastard!
Phil Cassidy God damn Cholos. Who do they think they are? Messing with me! Phil Bitch-Killer Cassidy!
Phil Cassidy We're gonna need to get my car fixed up, Vic. Old girl ain't looking so good.
Phil Cassidy Boy! She's looking like a daisy now.
Phil Cassidy You're a fine wingman Vic. Damn Cholo will think twice before shitting on my patch from now on. See ya around partner, see ya 'round.

Boomshine Blowout

Victor Vance Phil, what's going on? You're a mess.
Phil Cassidy I'm not drunk. I'm just resting my eyes.
Victor Vance Okay... so, what's going on?
Phil Cassidy My Boomshine's about to get blown sky high by a bunch of angry scumbags.
Victor Vance What?
Phil Cassidy Them Cholos are gonna blow up my liquor - there's so much of it at the warehouse one match'll blow it all the way to Tennessee. Tennessee, here I come…
Victor Vance Phil - Come on. Let's deal with it.
Phil Cassidy The thing is Vicky boy, my daddy was an angry man. He never, ever told me I was special. In fact - he used to beat me. Especially when he caught me staring at my cousin or my sister. You know what he said to me? He said I'd be better off dead…
Victor Vance And how exactly is this helping?
Phil Cassidy The tragedy of it is, I'm just like him - I'm a drunk. I deserve to die! It should have been me instead of Zack on hill 491 man. I'm coming home, daddy! Yeah daddy! I'm coming home.
Victor Vance You're pathetic.
Phil Cassidy I could have sworn I locked this place up.
Victor Vance Phil! Don't open the...
Phil Cassidy DADDDDDDDY!!!! DADDYDADDYDADDY!!!! Scheming Cholo bastards booby-trapped my place. Ain't no use running... When that Boomshine blows, we're all gonna die!
Victor Vance Get a grip. I'll get your damn liquor.
Phil Cassidy I'll back the truck up to the door. You load her up.
Phil Cassidy I better put these babies in some safe place, huh?

Truck Stop

Jerry Martinez Hey, look who it is! Victor Vance! What's going on, amigo? You want some smoke?
Victor Vance Fuck you, Martinez.
Jerry Martinez Relax... you're so fucking histrionic. It's like hanging out with a bitch on her period.
Victor Vance You want me to fuck you up?
Jerry Martinez Whatever baby. The thing is, you work for Phil, and Phil - Phil works for me. Which makes you... my bitch's bitch. Figure that out.
Phil Cassidy Man, that shit is heavy.
Jerry Martinez So you had better play nice, if you wanna get paid, huh? Because if you don't get paid, then who's gonna look after your sick brother?
Victor Vance Fuck you.
Jerry Martinez Ay, change the record baby... fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. What did you expect me to do, huh? I didn't screw you over for fun. I was saving myself, and you would do the same. And don't pretend otherwise.
Victor Vance I had a career.
Jerry Martinez So what, you got kicked out of the army... big deal. Hey... I told Phil about some guns I can sell, if you can get them, hm? Phil, don't smoke too much of this shit, huh? It'll make you trip out, get paranoid.
Phil Cassidy Sure, later Jerry. Come on Vic. This should silence any asshole following me. We're gonna need some back up Vic. I know some guys that'll help.
Phil Cassidy Are we being followed? We better not be being followed… I'll rip those bastards' livers right out of their sides.
Victor Vance Chill out man. There ain't no-one following us.
Phil Cassidy Hey Fellas! C'mon! We're gonna make some money. They're good guys Vic: Just always so quiet... maybe I shouldn't trust 'em.
Phil Cassidy I'm gonna take the truck back to my place. Anyone follows me, you give 'em hell.
Victor Vance So, that's how a drunken homicidal gun nut drives...
Phil's men They sent backup!
Phil's men Incoming!
Phil's men I'll take care of them senor.


Victor Vance Hello? Marty? Phil Cassidy sent me. Oh. Hi.
Louise Marty ain't home or nothin'.
Victor Vance Oh, oh okay... Well do you know when he's gonna be back?
Louise I don't know nuthin'. Excuse me.
Marty J Williams What do you want, boy?
Victor Vance Nuthin'... are you Marty?
Marty J Williams No. Now get gone, boy. Bitch! BITCH! GET YOUR SORRY ASS OUT HERE. I thought I told you to clean this shit up.
Louise Marty, Mary-Beth's been sick.
Marty J Williams Don't be using that baby as an excuse, Louise. 'Cos I'll hit her as well as you.
Victor Vance Are you Louise? I'm a friend of Phil's.
Marty J Williams A friend of Phil's? Well, why didn't you say so boy? I'm Marty J Williams.
Victor Vance I was too busy watching you threaten your wife.
Marty J Williams Well, we was only playing around boy.
Louise He didn't mean nothin' by it. He only hits me when I deserve it.
Victor Vance Oh yeah? Well Phil says you guys might have some work for me. I'm Vic Vance.
Marty J Williams Yeah. Sure. I got a few things need taking care of right now, as a matter of fact. Drive me. And Louise - you better have this shit cleaned up before I get back. YOU GOT ME?
Marty J Williams A business interest of mine is having trouble with some idiots that need putting straight.
Victor Vance What business are you in?
Marty J Williams I look after people, and they look after me. Sometimes I have to remind them of their obligations if they don't. But mostly I just mind my own business. You mind yours, pal.
Marty J Williams Ok, we're here. Now get on in there and teach them idiots a lesson.
Victor Vance You're not coming?
Marty J Williams Why would I employ a dog then bark myself? Go sik'em pal.
Show Owner Please... I can't afford to pay any more protection.
Cholo You don't pay - you don't stay. Fuck this place up. Who the hell is this hero?
Cholo You gonna be sorry. Don't mess with me, ese.
Marty J Williams You've done real good Vic.
Shop Owner Marty... he's with you?
Marty J Williams What're you doing letting scum in your store? My protection don't run to no daily visit. Are you hot for me boy - is that it? You wanna see my pretty face here everyday?
Shop Owner What? I... no...?
Marty J Williams For wasting my time your protection rate just went up. C'mon Vic. These Cholo boys normally protect a store nearby. Now it's gonna need new protection. Let's go get it.
Victor Vance You're running a protection racket?
Marty J Williams And more besides soon enough. C'mon. Put the pedal to the metal. Step on it.
Marty J Williams This is it. Let's get in there and bring them into the fold.
Shop Owner But, I pay protection to the Cholo.
Marty J Williams I don't see them protecting you any. Vic - get to work.
Victor Vance Marty, this ain't right.
Marty J Williams You want to get paid - be a man. Or are you all hat and no cattle?
Shop Owner Please. I don't want any trouble.
Marty J Williams That's why you need us.
Shop Owner Please. For God's-sake. No. Please.
Cholo This is Cholo turf.
Shop Owner Okay. I'll pay. I'll pay.
Marty J Williams You've done a man's job today. I might have more work for you. See you around.

Fear the Repo

Women's Voice from TV And 5, 6, 7, 8 and you're the best! 6, 7, 8, you run the world! Yeah! Come on and push it. Do you want it? Do you need it? PUSH IT!
Victor Vance Hey, Louise.
Louise Hey, Vic, how you keeping?
Victor Vance Better now.
Louise Good.
Victor Vance Don't stop. I'm waiting for Marty.
Louise No. It's nice to talk to someone. So - Phil said you was in the service.
Victor Vance Yeah... But I screwed up.
Louise You and me both.
Marty J Williams Damn it woman, if you gonna dress like a whore, I'm gonna turn you out.
Louise I was doing my aerobics, Marty. For crying out loud, gimme a break.
Marty J Williams I will... a broken fucking neck. You watch your mouth in my god damn house.
Louise Sorry.
Marty J Williams Now look what you gone and done. You imbecile. Jesus, woman. Hey - what's up Vic Vance?
Victor Vance You said you might have some other work.
Marty J Williams Yeah, yeah, sure... I got some debts people need to start paying. Argh! If you don't shut that brat up, woman, I will.
Louise Screw you, Marty, you're nothin' but an inbred hillbilly piece of shit.
Marty J Williams You better watch your mouth, tramp - or I'll knock them teeth out.
Louise That's it! I'm taking the baby and I'm going to stay with my sister.
Marty J Williams Good. Go ahead! Go! Fat ass pig sister of hers. I'll hit her an' all, too.
Marty J Williams Here's a list of shit needs repossessing. I don't think you've got the stones to git it for me. Prove me wrong...
Onbekend persoon Hey! Son of a bitch, that's my car!
Victor Vance Don't take it personally, pal.
Car driver I paid Marty off weeks ago man!
Onbekend persoon What the hell are you doing?
Marty J Williams Hank, get that van outta here.
Victor Vance Why do I get the impression none of those debts were genuine?
Marty J Williams Whatever I say's mine, is mine. And what I say, goes... If you wanna get on round here, you'll learn that one, kid.

Waking Up the Neighbors

Marty J Williams So, it seems I got some competition.
Victor Vance What do you mean?
Marty J Williams Them damn Cholos are trying to muscle in on my repo business. It's time I sent them a message...
Victor Vance Grenades?
Marty J Williams I just wanna make sure they hear what I have to say.

O, Brothel, Where Art Thou?

Marty J Williams It's time to diversify my interests Vince.
Victor Vance Vic.
Marty J Williams Whatever... We're going into the whoring business. We're taking over a place up yonder. Once we're in, it's party time... Yessiree boy! I just got me an itch I need scratching. Shame you're queer boy, I might have tossed you a bone...
Victor Vance Thanks, but I don't need you tossing my bone.
Marty J Williams Just get up there and clean the damn place out... Vince.

Got Protection?

Marty J Williams Oh, here he is, tough boy! The big man.
Marty's Friend How high can you jump boy?
Victor Vance Why don't you come down here and ask me that again, huh?
Marty's Friend I ain't scared of you.
Victor Vance Oh yeah? Then why is your voice cracking - boy?
Marty J Williams Alright, alright, enough. Will you stop disturbing the god damn neighbors with this bullshit. I pay you to help me, not to argue, you hear?
Victor Vance Loud and clear... Boss.
Marty J Williams Good. Now, we got some problems with them Cholos - they been threatening my girls. I want you to teach them some respect. Anyway, I told em, you bring her over to me, I don't care if she's fourteen, I like her boobs.
Cholo You start with us, we gonna finish you! All your street-walkers are gonna die. No one messes with the Cholo!
Victor Vance C'mon! Let's go.
Girl Relax. We've got more than rubbers for protection...
Victor Vance Let's get you out of here! This is no place for a lady...
Victor Vance Over here! Quick!
Girl That was fun. Baby, you're incredible.
Victor Vance Just glad to be of service, ladies. Take it easy girls. Look after yourselves out there.

Marked Men

Jerry Martinez Phil, baby, would I screw you over?
Phil Cassidy Yeah, you would.
Jerry Martinez Bullshit. I wouldn't. Not to you, not to a brother in arms. Come on, gimme a hug.
Victor Vance Nah, you'd never screw anyone over, would you?
Jerry Martinez Oh, look who it is! St Victor of Vance! The holier than thou killer. All these principles, you go around shooting people.
Victor Vance I do what I gotta do, after I trusted an asshole.
Jerry Martinez You enjoyed it, brother. Admit it - cause you're a maniac, huh? I gave you a life.
Victor Vance Go to hell, Martinez.
Jerry Martinez See Phil, I saved Vic - and I can save you too, huh?
Victor Vance What does this scumbag want?
Phil Cassidy He wants me to go over to some warehouse and see if his merchandise is all there. That's all.
Jerry Martinez Hey, it's cool - go with him, Vicky Boy, if you don't trust me. But Phil - you owe me, after what you said...
Phil Cassidy You said that was forgotten.
Jerry Martinez If you do this...
Phil Cassidy I'll explain as we drive, Vic... It's time for me to get another drink.
Victor Vance What was that about? You've 'got to go'?
Phil Cassidy Aw... I got drunk and told Martinez I didn't trust him no more... I said he was an asshole.
Victor Vance He IS an asshole.
Phil Cassidy No. I am. 'Cause now he won't put any work my way until I DO trust him.
Victor Vance Let's get this over with.
Phil Cassidy Drive easy Vic. The last of my Boomshine is in the back of the truck. I'm through with that demon drink. Hallelujah! It's a sober life for me, bud... Sober... S.O.B.E.R.
Phil Cassidy Who the hell are these guys? Hey fellas. Martinez said...
Gang member Yeah. Martinez said 'Bye-Bye'
Phil Cassidy Hot damn! Play fair fellas! What about the damn Geneva Convention?
Victor Vance For fuck's sake Phil! Do something!
Phil Cassidy My Boomshine! This round's on daddy assholes!
Victor Vance I think we've both outgrown our usefulness to Martinez.
Phil Cassidy Jerry wants us dead? Shitting asshole... I'm gonna lay low for a while. I reckon you should too.
Victor Vance Screw that... I ain't hiding from that piece of shit.
Phil Cassidy Remember: discretion's the better part of valor. Good luck, soldier!

When Funday Comes

Victor Vance Hey, Louise.
Louise Hey Vic. How are you?
Victor Vance Getting better. Hey there.
Louise You deserve good things, honey.
Victor Vance Eh, maybe.
Louise Better than this shit.
Victor Vance Hey, come on... What's wrong?
Louise Nothing... Everything... It's bullshit. I mean, I'm a fucking mess. Didn't finish high school. Got a kid by a god damn prick. Living on my sister's couch. No hope.
Victor Vance Come on, you're just going through a bad time right now. Things'll improve. You'll see.
Louise Show me a way out. Just show me a fucking way out.
Victor Vance I don't know... Look at it this way. I've been kicked out of the military, now I'm working with jerks, robbing people, all to pay for my brother's medical bills, while my mother freebases half the money I send anyhow. I am not one to ask for advice.
Louise Look at us. What a pair!
Victor Vance Pathetic, huh?
Louise Worse than pathetic
Victor Vance Hey, you wanna go out? Maybe... get some fresh air? Have some fun?
Louise Sure, sounds good. Say, Phil said there was a quad bike race at the trailer park.
Victor Vance There you go! Hey, great. Quad bikes and moonshine... Let's go.
Victor Vance Will the baby be okay back at your sister's?
Louise Sure. She'll be just fine. I'm looking forward to having me some fun.
Louise Good luck Vic... you'll need it!
Louise This was great. I had the best time.
Victor Vance Glad to hear it, Louise. Look... er, I'm a little worried about your baby.
Louise Oh, Mary Beth? She'll be fine..., but maybe I'd better get back.
Victor Vance Wait up. I'll take you.
Louise That's okay. Will you call on me sometime Vic Vance?

Takin' Out the White-Trash

Victor Vance Hey, stop that...
Louise Sorry. It's... It's nothing... I'm... just tired.
Victor Vance Doesn't look like nothing - what's wrong?
Louise I left some of her things back at Marty's... Everything I do is wrong. I can't even run away right.
Victor Vance Look, it's not such a big deal. We'll just head over to Marty's and go get 'em.
Louise But what about Marty?
Victor Vance Well what about him?
Louise Thanks Vic. You're something else.
Louise I don't like the look of these guys...
Victor Vance Aren't they the guys from the quad bike race?
Trailer Trash So, you cheats have shown your ugly bitch ass faces...
Louise If Marty heard you talking to me like that...
Victor Vance Marty? Marty said the next time he saw you he'd turn you out.
Victor Vance Back off, white trash....
Trailer Trash White trash? You wanna do this, bitch boy?
Louise I'll get my baby's things...
Victor Vance You should have just bought new.
Louise I will... I just found Marty's wallet inside. I'm going shopping! That asshole owes me.
Victor Vance Marty ain't gonna be too happy when he finds out you ripped him off.
Louise Ha ha ha! Like I give a shit.
Louise Vic Vance... I never knew I could have such a good time.
Victor Vance A great time? Oh yeah, we had a riot.
Louise And you were great. Well, I better get on inside. See you later.


Mary-Jo Who... Who the fuck are you?
Victor Vance Where's Louise?
Mary-Jo What? He took her. That - that animal took her! He's going to do something wicked to her!
Victor Vance Wait, who took her? And who are you?
Mary-Jo Mary-Jo, her sister... who are you?
Victor Vance Vic... a friend...
Mary-Jo Oh... it's... it's nice to meet you - I've heard a lot about you...
Victor Vance Who took her?
Mary-Jo That monster, Marty. He said he's gonna turn her out.
Victor Vance Jesus. His own wife.
Mary-Jo Yeah, yeah but he wanted to turn me out too! I promise you, he did!
Louise I ain't gonna be your whore Marty!
Marty J Williams You've been whoring yourself on that Vic. Don't you deny it! Well, if you're gonna act like a whore - you're gonna be one! Git in that truck!
Victor Vance SHIT!
Louise Vic! Help!
Trailer Trash You looking for trouble... Vince?
Louise Help! Vic!
Louise Let me go Marty, you asshole!
Marty J Williams You're gonna earn your keep girl, and you're gonna like it!
Louise I can't believe you killed him... How am I gonna look after my baby now?
Victor Vance You what? Marty was an asshole. He treated you worse than shit.
Louise I'm sorry... I just... Hey, look... Marty's kin are gonna be coming for you now. We better get you some place safe.
Victor Vance I can handle Marty's kin, Louise.
Louise I just want to make sure you're safe that's all.
Victor Vance Look, you and Mary Beth are gonna be better off without Marty, you know?
Louise Are we? It's just everything's changing so fast...
Victor Vance Everything's gonna be fine...
Louise You're okay, Vic Vance...

To Victor, the Spoils

Louise I've been thinking over what you said about me and the baby being better off without Marty, and... I've got a plan... Why don't YOU take over Marty's business?
Victor Vance I'm no gang boss.
Louise No. But you could be... C'mon. We both need the cash, honey. First we need to get some guys together.
Louise Hey! Wanna make some money?
Louise I'll go find some more guys and see you at Marty's other place.
Victor Vance This shouldn't be too tough. Come on guys.
Louise You did it Vic. The whole damn caboodle's yours!
Victor Vance Yeah, but I don't know how to run this kind of thing.
Louise Marty could do it, and he was nearly inbred. You'll pick it up! You're amazing. You can do anything.
Man Hey boss? Is this a full time position?
Victor Vance Yeah. Yeah it is.
Louise Everything's gonna be just fine.

Jive Drive

Lance Vance Hey, bro. Ha ha ha!
Victor Vance Lance! What are you doing here?
Lance Vance You don't sound so pleased!
Victor Vance I'm not so pleased.
Lance Vance Thanks, bro. Who was you expecting? What a greeting man...
Victor Vance Not you. Someone useful.
Lance Vance So what am I? A handicap, huh? Your dumb ass, low life, no good brother?
Victor Vance Something like that.
Lance Vance Yeah, well - I'm not the one who got kicked out of the army.
Victor Vance No - you're the asshole who got kicked out of the boy scouts.
Lance Vance Oh come on, man. I come all this way to see you and you treat me like I've got herpes.
Victor Vance Maybe that's because your whole life, you've gotten us into trouble.
Lance Vance Oh, gimme a break, man! I've changed!
Victor Vance Okay. I'll give you a chance. One chance.
Lance Vance Yeah, yeah! Hey, come here man... You won't regret it, baby... I love you, man, and love can change the world. But Vic...
Victor Vance What.
Lance Vance I have got herpes.
Victor Vance Get off me man, just get in the damn car.
Lance Vance I was just kiddin'.
Cholo All the Cholos have been looking for you Mr. Big-Shot.
Lance Vance What do you want with me?
Cholo I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to him! You killed plenty Cholos... Now, we kill you plenty.
Victor Vance Get us out of here Lance!
Lance Vance Is this your idea of a welcome party?
Victor Vance C'mon, move it!
Lance Vance W-wait, where in the hell am I going, man?
Victor Vance Watch the road!
Lance and Vic together OH, SHIIIIIIIIIIT!
Lance Vance I'm just too pretty to die, ha ha ha! Woo!
Lance Vance Look out Vic. There's more of them!
Lance Vance Do you have any friends in this town?
Lance Vance Shit! They're everywhere!
Lance Vance One more Lance Vance Chance!
Victor Vance Laaaaance, you prick! You're never driving again.
Lance Vance I had it wit' you man. You put me off! Always treat me like a kid.
Lance Vance I'd appreciate a ride to my hotel.
Victor Vance Impressive: This place ain't cheap.
Lance Vance Ha ha ha, I wouldn't know. I told them to bill you.

Hose the Hoes

Victor Vance Hey, Louise. It's me...
Louise Vic! Thank god you're here. I just heard your cathouse is going up in flames! Are the girls okay?
Victor Vance Did Marty's inbred family do this?
Louise I'll be right down.
Victor Vance Did you call the fire department?
Louise Don't worry. I know where we can get a fire-truck.
Louise That's Marty's cousin... He did it, Vic! Get him! Bastard's got six toes...
Victor Vance Hey you!

Robbing the Cradle

Louise Vic. Welfare said I was a bad mother. Their man said he was gonna take Mary-Beth off me... unless I put out for him. But, I'll show him. I've got a couple of guys to take care of him.
Victor Vance What? Killing him is going to make things worse. When's this happening?
Louise Well, kinda right now. Did I do wrong? How was I to know better?
Welfare man Somebody help!
Victor Vance File that in your report! Leave Louise Williams alone, pal, or you and I are going to become close friends.
Welfare man Okay! Okay! She's white trash anyway.

The Audition

Lance Vance I am Lance Vance baby - you can trust me. Lance T Vance - T for Trust... great. Yeah, love. I love you man! No, not in a funny way... yeah... a'ight... ciao.
Victor Vance What was that?
Lance Vance Nothing.
Victor Vance Didn't sound like nothing.
Lance Vance Vic, look at me. It was nothing.
Victor Vance And you look at me - what was that about?
Lance Vance You'll thank me.
Victor Vance Like I haven't heard that before. What have you done?
Lance Vance I found a way in - two kids, broken home, no education, no father - and rich as shit. It's the American dream baby! Pete with good medical treatment.
Victor Vance We're not kids.
Lance Vance We're young at heart! Listen - I met a big player - and we'll get big money for doing absolutely nothing...
Victor Vance This better not be drugs.
Lance Vance We won't be touching no drugs, man. C'mon! Y'know, I am your brother! You can trust me.
Victor Vance So, who is this 'player'?
Lance Vance My man's name is Forbes: He's gonna call us at the burger bar any minute now, so let's get down there pronto.
Lance Vance So merchandise is hidden in the car's side panels? Ahuh... yeah... no problem. Okay. We're gonna pick up Forbes's car.
Victor Vance That's it? No drugs? Some 'player'.
Lance Vance Man, give me a break. There's no winning with you. Aw, shit. You've got to be kidding me.
Robbers Okay, nobody move! C'mon! Hands where I can see 'em! Do it! I said nobody fucking move!
Lance Vance Vic! C'mon!
Lance Vance Man that's just typical! They think we did it! This is bullshit!
Lance Vance Forbes's car is in the impound yard.
Victor Vance So what are we doing here?
Lance Vance We're going in the back door.
Lance Vance C'mon. Let's get the car out of here.
Victor Vance I don't get it. How is stealing one dumb car gonna make us rich?
Lance Vance I've got everything covered man.
Victor Vance Are there drugs hidden in the car?
Lance Vance Just chill, man. Be cool.
Lance Vance Great driving Vic... But, ahm, it's best if I take it from here.
Victor Vance Hey! What're you doing?
Lance Vance Forbes doesn't know you man... he wouldn't trust you. See ya later baby!
Victor Vance Lance! You asshole!

Money for Nothing

Bryan Forbes 'Course - you can't kid a kidder. Hey, Vic...
Victor Vance Hey.
Lance Vance Yo bro, what's up.
Bryan Forbes So, Vic, wanna hear about a little plan that is going to make us three very rich?
Victor Vance So what's the risk?
Bryan Forbes Let me put it like this - you will not be handling any drugs. All I need you to do is keep the cops busy while Lance and I steal some merch, off the scum who brought it into this country.
Lance Vance The drugs're already here. So we ain't drug trafficking.
Bryan Forbes Exactly. You're just the decoy - all you gotta do is make the police think you're carrying. They can't arrest you for that.
Victor Vance No, but they can shoot me.
Bryan Forbes Don't be ridiculous!
Lance Vance Yeah. Come on man! Come on.
Bryan Forbes Vic - you'll be fine... rich and fine!
Victor Vance Alright... Let's do it.
Lance Vance Yeah! Let's pop!
Lance Vance This is gonna be the decoy van. C'mon Vic. You drive.
Victor Vance This van's the wrong color, Forbes.
Bryan Forbes Relax. It's nothing a little paint can't fix.
Lance Vance This van is good to Van Gogh... Heh-heh.
Bryan Forbes Yeah, funny... Vic, take the decoy and lead the cops away from here. We'll let you know when we're home free.
Lance Vance Breaker - Breaker. What's your twenty?
Victor Vance For Christ-sakes Lance, speak English.
Lance Vance Uh, yeah - we're on our way. Keep the cops busy.
Lance Vance We're nearly there. Just a little longer.
Lance Vance We're there! Ten-Ten, let's do it again, big cowboy. Lose the smokey Vic. You're all done.

Nice Package

Victor Vance Hey. You Umberto?
Umberto Robina Did somebody order a stripper?
Victor Vance Excuse me?
Umberto Robina Because I like my bitches a bit less balding.
Victor Vance What? Are you a comedian, friend?
Umberto Robina No, no, I'm a man... just like you. Umberto Robina. You must be Vance.
Victor Vance Yeah, that's right. So you heard about Marty.
Umberto Robina Yeah, I heard about that dumb punk. Came to an unfortunate end, huh? Bitch fight. I like that... Two bitches going at it, hot and sweaty... bang, bang, bang!
Victor Vance Yeah, whatever you're into man.
Umberto Robina Hey, I'm into men. Men proving themselves.
Victor Vance Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sounds fun. Look, you worked for Marty for years. So in between men, can I rely on you?
Umberto Robina Sure, pappy. If you can prove to me you got some balls. I've got a package waiting for collection Downtown. Go get it for me, if you can.
Victor Vance I'm not your delivery man, friend.
Umberto Robina Until I know you've got some balls, and some juice in them, there'll be no alliance between us. Juan will go with you. He'll tell me if you've got something down there.
Umberto Robina Gracias Vic! I kiss you!
Victor Vance Whoa, not today.


Umberto Robina You got some Cuban in you? You look like you got some Cuban in you, lady.
Woman Eerr, no... I'm from Ohio.
Umberto Robina You want some Cuban in you, lady?
Woman No. Like I told you, I'm a lesbian on a committed journey with my life partner. Now, Mr. Robina, about your father's welfare claim...
Umberto Robina Oh... whatever, man... Vic! I tell you, this bitch is crazy for me... Can you smell it?
Victor Vance She's going wild.
Umberto Robina Always the same... listen, we got a problem huh? Your boy, Jerry. He's causing all sorts of trouble.
Victor Vance Martinez? God damn it...
Woman Err, Mr. Robina, must I remind you, I am a very busy woman.
Umberto Robina Eh, baby... mira, listen. You keep your panties on, okay... I got some serious man-shit to deal with with my buddy... Why don't you just sit down, stay pretty. Don't worry... I'll be back with some serious chorizo... You got a friend for my buddy? He's a little bit shy.
Woman Oh my.
Umberto Robina Whatever. Vic, let's roll... Show these boys how to be men, and take back our streets from these bitch Cholos. I have my own bitch to deal with inside.
Victor Vance You're not coming?
Umberto Robina I will be soon... but not with you, my friend! I'M HOT BABY!

Papi don't Screech

Umberto Robina You even got any balls?
Umberto's man I didn't know!
Umberto Robina And you, I seen shit with more guts.
Umberto's man You didn't say your father was going.
Umberto Robina Shut your mouth, lady boy. He's my daddy! And I love him. I can't believe you would do this! And you left him there to die!
Victor Vance Umberto, what's the problem?
Umberto Robina Oh my God, I'm going to be an orphan...
Victor Vance Oh, man... I'm sorry. How did it happen?
Umberto's man It hasn't happened brother. Alberto - that's his Dad - he's over at the wrestling man.
Victor Vance So why the tears?
Umberto's man We just saw some Cholos driving over there man.
Victor Vance So why doesn't someone just go pick up Alberto?
Umberto's man That's what we said to Umberto. Only he freaked out.
Victor Vance Well, go get him...
Umberto Robina No! No way Vic - don't let my daddy be collected by these two bitches... He's a man. The shame would kill him.
Victor Vance Well you go.
Umberto Robina I can't drive, man... I'm hysterical!
Victor Vance God damn it, I'll go get him... But you owe me, you freak.
Victor Vance Hey Alberto? Your son sent me to pick you up.
Alberto Robina Gracias Señor... you're late... tarde. I can't be late opening my café. In twenty years I've never opened late.
Victor Vance Take it easy, Alberto. No problems.
Alberto Robina Phew... All this rushing heart, she's not so good these days.

Havana Good Time

Umberto Robina So, I ask you once more, are you men?
Umberto's men Yeah.
Umberto Robina Then why you not like balls?
Umberto's man Because that's totally embarassing...
Umberto Robina Because that's something you ain't got baby. I got a whole sack full here. Tons of them. Balls everywhere. Balls to spare.
Well, man, he's certainly full of balls.
Umberto Robina You what, baby? You whispering sweet nothings into some bitch's ear? Huh, loverboy?
Umberto's men No boss.
Umberto Robina Victor Vance... this is a real man, with a lotta balls. You're not scared of no cholos, are you Vic?
Victor Vance You know I ain't scared of nobody.
Umberto Robina So show 'em your balls.
Victor Vance No. I was in the army, not the navy...
Umberto Robina Screw you bitches.
Victor Vance Come on, man. I'm just messing with you.
Umberto Robina Someone's got to teach these cholos a lesson. I guess I have to go - alone.
Umberto's man Umberto, boss, I'm up for anything, man. I just don't want to have to take my balls out again.
Umberto's man Yeah, can't we just go hit shit up and keep our pants on?
Umberto's man Yeah, let's roll.
Umberto Robina See Vic? They didn't want to go and now they've gone. The art of leadership my friend, is making people believe they had the idea all along. My men are going to collect a little gift for the Cholo... They'll meet up with you after.
Victor Vance After what?
Umberto Robina After you've cleared the way for us. Then we can hit the Cholos hard - and take their guns. I'll co-coordinate the attack from here.
Victor Vance Sure, big man... we really need a co-ordinator back here...
Umberto's man I said we're gonna need some protection while we're loading up, man.
Victor Vance I've got your backs.
Umberto's man Ha ha. Do you like our gift for the Cholo, man?
Victor Vance Very tasteful.
Umberto's man We've got what we came for. We're gonna go back now, ok?
Umberto Robina Ha ha ha ha! My friend, today is a good day. We've turned the tide in Little Havana. The Cholos are finished! Umberto Robina says you are a true friend. You can count on me for anything. I love you man! Like a son, or a dog...

Caught as an Act

Bryan Forbes Victor V. What's popping, partner?
Victor Vance What?
Bryan Forbes What's popping?
Victor Vance What the fuck are you talking about?
Bryan Forbes Isn't that what you guys say? What's popping?
Victor Vance I think that must be Lance. You got everything sorted? No trouble?
Bryan Forbes Course. Hey, I was just giving you shit, you know?
Victor Vance Yeah. Whatever.
Bryan Forbes Great, great. Here's your brother... What's popping, baby?
Lance Vance You!
Victor Vance Lance, what's going on?
Lance Vance You're a freaking cop! You think you can mess with Lance T. Vance, you punk?
Bryan Forbes Hey, chill...
Lance Vance Chill?
Bryan Forbes Yes. You're right, I am a cop. I was gonna tell you. I need money. I wanna work with you guys... I ain't gonna bust you.
Lance Vance Not now you ain't. I'm gonna bust you!
Victor Vance Let's go.
Lance Vance I am going.
Lance Vance Get him Vic! We gotta find out what he knows.
Lance Vance Aw man that's our money! Get him!
Victor Vance What the hell is our money doing in there?
Lance Vance You never know when you're gonna need a few grand...
Lance Vance I got a place we can take him. C'mon.
Victor Vance I don't know about this Lance.
Lance Vance It's either this, or kill him. What do you think Forbes?
Bryan Forbes Uh, I definitely prefer it this way.
Lance Vance We'll let him sweat for a while. We'll be back... you sit tight, buddy.

Leap and Bound

Bryan Forbes So, you want Information... and what better source than a cop, right?
Lance Vance Hey Vic. See... great minds think alike...
Bryan Forbes Yeah, fools seldom differ, dip shit. You want info? How about this? There's a dealer's boat mooring up Downtown today. The dealer's not the trusting kind, and he'll only meet one-on-one. He's carrying money and coke, and he doesn't believe in bodyguards.
Victor Vance Why should we trust you?
Bryan Forbes If I'm lying, genius, I'm a dead man, right?
Lance Vance I'll meet this guy, Vic. You can watch over me, and I'll see you down there.
Contact's crew Hey! Get him!
Contact's crew Over there!
Contact's crew Hey! You! Nosey asshole!
Victor Vance I thought this guy didn't use bodyguards.
Lance Vance Forbes's info is seriously out of date. I'll get us some transport, you get what we came for, and I'll meet you on shore.
Contact's crew I see him!
Lance Vance Hey! Make sure no one can see it back there.
Victor Vance Nice wheels...
Lance Vance I was in a hurry... The sooner I off-load this coke the better. This junk heap ain't doing my image any favors. Hey, catch you later, bro.
Victor Vance Hey! Don't mind me! Dick...

The Bum Deal

Lance Vance I know there's a major shipment coming in real soon. I've been to your apartment and I've read your files...
Bryan Forbes Yeah yeah yeah, I was going to tell you about that... The contact is at the White Stallionz bar. They'll give you exactly what you need.
Lance Vance You better not be screwing us.
Bryan Forbes Me? Gimme a break... I'm your best buddy.
Victor Vance Something's not right about this place...
Lance Vance Yeah! I didn't know bikers were into disco...
Victor Vance I think Forbes has fucked us again.
White Stallion Your kind ain't welcome here.
White Stallion I wanna bareback the little one.
Lance Vance Aaw, shit... it's two for one at the boy's club.. shit.
Lance Vance Man, Forbes screwed us again. Let's get back and screw HIM......metaphorically speaking.
Lance Vance What the hell? That's Forbes! Get him!
Lance Vance Aw man, I didn't mean for us to kill him.
Victor Vance It's a little late now, Lance!
Lance Vance I know there was something to this big shipment he was talking about. And I'm going to find out. Later, man.

Snitch Hitch

Lance Vance Pink. No, blue. No, white - I'll take all three. Hey... I'll call you back! What's your problem, man? Huh?
Victor Vance My problem? My problem is you're going to have us both killed, because you're a moron. I told you to not get us in so deep.
Lance Vance Oh, shut up and grow some balls.
Victor Vance What, tough guy? What did you say to me? When will you grow a fucking brain?
Mom Hello boys!
Lance and Victor Mom!
Mom Victor, put your brother down.
Victor Vance What are you doing here, mom?
Mom I'm cleaning up my act. I'm off the drugs for good.
Victor Vance Here we go again...
Mom Can I get a drink Lance, honey?
Lance Vance Who's that?
Mom That's Javier. He's been very sweet to me...
Victor Vance Oh, gimme a break.
Lance Vance I'm tired of your bullshit, mom. You've come here to ruin things for us, again.
Mom How can you say that... I raised you.
Lance Vance Aunt Enid raised us, not you.
Mom I'm clean. Give me a chance, Victor - please?
Victor Vance You can stay with Lance, mom - but I don't want any trouble. I've got enough horse shit dealing with him.
Lance Vance Err, Vic, we got to go meet that friend of yours at the airport.
Victor Vance What?
Lance Vance I'll explain on the way.
Victor Vance Oh, right... You two, stay out of trouble. What friend at the airport?
Lance Vance This guy's a dealer who's getting out of the business. He's getting us a file about this big shipment coming in.
Victor Vance How much is this gonna cost?
Lance Vance You've got to speculate to accumulate. We're Yuppies now, bro...
Lance Vance This dude's plane could be leaving anytime so let's pop, big-time.
Lance Vance Oh man, why are we messing around? C'mon, let's go.
Lance Vance You got the goods?
Ex-dealer You're too late man. I told you - first come first served.
Lance Vance Man that was our file! Who'd you sell it to?
Ex-dealer Some dude over at Terminal C. He's got a private jet... and a private army. I don't think you wanna mess with him.
Lance Vance We'll see about that.
Lance Vance Where's my file you mothersuckers? C'mon you mothers. I'll kick your asses. Don't get me angry.
Lance Vance What the hell are they doing here?
Victor Vance I'm guessing we're not the only ones your contact turned away today.
Lance Vance I'll get the file...
Biker Give us the file!
Victor Vance Lance?
Lance Vance Hey, Bro'. This cat really knew how to travel. There's some stylish shit in here.
Victor Vance Never mind that. Did you get the file?
Lance Vance Sure. No problem.
Victor Vance No problem? - I could have used a little help out here assbrain!
Lance Vance Take it easy Bro. It's all good.
Victor Vance Lance... take the file and get the hell out of my sight.

From Zero to Hero

Lance Vance Ah! Just in time, bro. Ha ha ha! Yeah!
Victor Vance Lance, I'm through with this, man.
Lance Vance What, you mean this dump? Yeah me too.
Victor Vance No - I'm through with this bullshit. I don't wanna be a damn drug dealer. It's for assholes.
Lance Vance Vic - don't go soft on me now. I got what we finally needed - I know how we can get our hands on one big shipment, completely free. We can finally get Pete the health care he needs.
Victor Vance Look Lance, I'm a long way from being a good guy, but drugs just mean trouble.
Lance Vance I agree, man. 100% agree. That's why we gonna get this one big pay day for all the hard work and split. Jerry Martinez... it's his coke.
Victor Vance Oh... fuck it. You know what? Let's do it.
Lance Vance Alright, ladies and gentlemen, that is a real man. Let's pop. We're gonna make it big Vic. I have a dream...I have a dream-muh!
Victor Vance Your dream's my nightmare.
Lance Vance Don't be like that, man. Look, I've even arranged some insurance. C'mon guys - time to pop.
Victor Vance So, what's the plan?
Lance Vance Martinez is bringing in that big ass shipment Forbes was rapping about...We're gonna rip it off.
Lance Vance I'll take a look and see what's happening.
Gang member Hey, why do you mess with me?
Lance Vance You two just sit tight and make sure our exit is clear. This is about to get ugly.
Lance Vance Take the other truck and follow me. Looks like your friend Martinez finally showed up...
Victor Vance Shit!
Lance Vance Try to keep up man, I'm a BAAAD driver.
Victor Vance You said it.
Lance Vance Hey, looks like the cops have scared off Martinez... Oh, shit. They're after US now.
Lance Vance Rich at last, uh-hu, rich at last, huh... Thank God almighty, we are rich at last!
Victor Vance We haven't sold this shit yet.
Lance Vance We'd better: I've just bought us both fancy apartments. We're mortgaged to the hilt.
Victor Vance We're supposed to be getting out of this shit.
Lance Vance We are. But I gotta do it in style. I've got a reputation to uphold.