Complete the Look

Complete the Look is een accessoire -merk in GTA Vice City.

Man: "Feathered hair, pentagram necklace, something missing?"
Vrouw: "Complete the Look!"
Man: "Compete the Look: With a pair of crouch-hugging, slightly-to-short, acid-washed, skin-tight jeans at Vice City's one-stop shop for the rebel who sets his own style."
Vrouw: "Wow! You look like a Satanist!"
Man: "Complete the Look!"

Man: "Italian lopers without socks? De-constructed linen suit? Something missing?"
Vrouw: "Complete the Look!"
Man: "With a flesh-toned sleeveless T-Shirt! At Vice City's one-stop shop for people who dress for success!"
Vrouw: "Wow! You look like every one else!"
Man: "Complete the Look."

Man: "Highlighted hair? Vacant-prey-look in your eyes? Something missing?"
Vrouw: "Complete the Look!"
Man: "Comple the Look, with mans eyeliner. At Vice City's one-stop-shop for people who are cool when they cry."
Vrouw: "Wow, you look ambiguous!"
Man: "Complete the Look."


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