Hoofdpagina > Grand Theft Auto: Online > Race
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Het is mogelijk om race in verschillende varianten te spelen. Ook al zal de route hetzelfde zijn, zorgt dit wel voor verschil in hoe de betreffende race wordt gespeeld.
- Land Race
- Standard Race - Een normale race met checkpoints van start naar finish. De eerste die over de finish rijdt wint.
- Bike Race - Sommige races zijn enkel uit te voeren met (cross)motoren en quads.
- GTA Race - Een race maar dan met wapens. Het is mogelijk om tevens uit je voertuig te stappen of door één van de pickups te rijden die op de route zitten waardoor je een boost, raketten of een reparatie van je voertuig krijgt.
- Rally Race - Bij een rally zit je met twee in een auto waarbij de een rijdt en de andere navigeert. De bestuurder ziet de route en checkpoints niet, dus dient de navigator kan door middel van
[PS3] en
[X360] (en eventueel gebruik van headset) aan te geven waar de bestuurder heen dient te rijden.
- Air Race - Hierbij vlieg je van start naar finish door checkpoints. Het is mogelijk dit met normale vliegtuigen, helikopters of vol bewapende P-996 LAZER-straaljagers te doen.
- Sea Race - Een race op het water van start naar finish door checkpoints met boten.
- Stunt Race - Een race op speciale parcours met veel schansen, tubes en andere objecten.
- Transform Race - Een stunt race op speciale parcours waarbij je telkens van voertuig wisselt.
- Druk bij de start pas bij Go het gas in. Hierdoor zul je met een boost extra snel wegrijden.
Naam | Benodigde rank | Spelers | Type | Gebied |
A Sign of Thins to Come | 8 | 8 | Bike Race | Vinewood Hills |
Against the Grain | 40 | 4 | Bike Race | Mount Chiliad |
American Cycle | 1 | 4 | Bike Race | San Andreas |
Arms Race | 1 | 8 | Land Race | North Chumash |
Art of Art | 1 | 8 | Bike Race | Pacific Bluffs |
Barnstorming | 15 | 4 | Bike Race | Grapeseed |
Blowing in the Wind | 12 | 8 | Air Race | Grand Senora Desert |
Burn Your Bridges | 35 | 8 | Air Race | Vespucci Beach |
Business Class | 30 | 8 | Air Race | San Andreas |
By the Side of the Bay | 15 | 4 | Land Race | Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness |
Canal Passage | 1 | 8 | Water Race | Vespucci Beach |
Chopper Cruise | 18 | 8 | Air Race | Banham Canyon |
Cream of the Crop | 1 | 8 | Bike Race | Grapeseed |
Criminal Records | 1 | 8 | Land Race | Grand Senora Desert |
Crop Circle | 15 | 8 | Air Race | San Chianski Mountain Range |
Cult Following | 25 | 8 | Bike Race | Chiliad Mountain state Wilderness |
Cutting Coroners | 1 | 8 | Land Race | San Andreas |
CyclePath | 1 | 4 | Bike Race | Del Perro |
Delta V | 1 | 8 | Water Race | Fort Zancudo |
Dipping In | 1 | 16 | Land Race | Vinewood Hills |
Dock Ring | 35 | 8 | Land Race | Elysian Island |
Dockyard | 18 | 8 | Land Race | Terminal |
Double Parking | 1 | 8 | Land Race | San Andreas |
Down the Drain | 1 | 8 | Land Race | La Mesa |
Downtown Underground | 8 | 8 | Land Race | San Andreas |
Downtown, Downtown | 12 | 8 | Air Race | Mirror Park |
Driving Range | 20 | 4 | Land Race | Rockford Hills |
Eclipse | 20 | 8 | Air Race | San Andreas |
Field Trip | 25 | 8 | Land Race | El Burro Heights |
Fly Like an Eagle | 15 | 8 | Air Race | Richman |
Free Fall | 18 | 8 | Bike Race | Grand Senora Desert |
Going Down | 18 | 8 | Bike Race | Great Chaparral |
Gone Fishin' | 18 | 8 | Land Race | Zancudo River |
Grand Tour | 40 | 16 | Land Race | Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness |
Grass Route | 1 | 16 | Land Race | Vinewood Hills |
Grave Danger | 20 | 8 | Air Race | Vespucci Beach |
Graveyard Shift | 15 | 8 | Land Race | Morningwood |
Greenwich Meantime | 1 | 8 | Land Race | Strawberry |
Heli River | 25 | 8 | Air Race | San Andreas |
Horse Power | 35 | 8 | Bike Race | San Chianski Mountain Range |
If I Were a Richman | 1 | 8 | Land Race | GWC and Golfing Society |
In Harmony | 15 | 8 | Land Race | Grand Senora Desert |
In the Grove | 1 | 8 | Land Race | San Andreas |
Into the Lights | 1 | 8 | Bike Race | Vinewood Hills |
Jet Stream | 35 | 8 | Air Race | Pacific Bluffs |
Jetty Jumping | 15 | 8 | Water Race | Paleto Cove |
Just Desert | 8 | 8 | Land Race | Sandy Shores |
Kept at Bay | 12 | 8 | Air Race | Paleto Bay |
Lazer Quest | 25 | 8 | Air Race | Grand Senora Desert |
Learning Curve | 8 | 8 | Land Race | Richman |
Life's a Beach | 18 | 8 | Air Race | Fort Zancudo |
Loose Canyon | 15 | 8 | Air Race | Alamo Sea |
Lost and Found | 20 | 8 | Land Race | San Andreas |
Morning Perm-a-wood | 15 | 8 | Land Race | Richman |
Off the Rails | 8 | 8 | Bike Race | Mount Chiliad |
Old Downtown | 1 | 8 | Land Race | San Andreas |
On the Rocks | 8 | 8 | Water Race | Pacific Ocean |
On the Trail | 15 | 8 | Bike Race | Cassidy Creek |
On Yer Bike | 8 | 8 | Bike Race | Vinewood Hills |
Over the Hill | 30 | 8 | Air Race | Pacific Ocean |
Over the Hump | 1 | 8 | Land Race | Little Seoul |
Peak Performance | 25 | 4 | Bike Race | Mount Chiliad |
Pier 2 Pier | 30 | 8 | Land Race | Del Perro Beach |
Pier 400 | 8 | 8 | Water Race | Elysian Island |
Pit Lane | 15 | 8 | Bike Race | Davis Quartz |
Plane to Sea | 20 | 8 | Air Race | Mount Chiliad |
Power Trip | 1 | 16 | Bike Race | Ron Alternates Wind Farm |
Quick Getaway | 25 | 8 | Bike Race | Rockford Hills |
Raton Race | 30 | 8 | Land Race | Ford Zancudo |
Redwood Light District | 1 | 8 | Bike Race | Redwood Lights Track |
Ring of Fire | 1 | 8 | Land Race | San Andreas |
Route 68 | 1 | 16 | Land Race | Ron Alternates Wind Farm |
Saddle Up | 20 | 4 | Bike Race | Vinewood Hills |
Scale the Heights | 1 | 4 | Bike Race | El Burro Heights |
Senora Freeway | 1 | 8 | Land Race | Mount Chiliad |
Stadium Tour | 18 | 8 | Land Race | Los Santos International Airport |
Stage Flight | 25 | 8 | Air Race | Vinewood Hills |
Staying on Track | 1 | 8 | Bike Race | Cypress Flats |
Taking Off | 1 | 8 | Land Race | Los Santos International Airport |
The Commute | 1 | 16 | Land Race | Pacific Bluffs |
The Dam Before the Storm | 30 | 4 | Bike Race | Land Act Reservoir |
Thrills in the Hills | 20 | 8 | Land Race | West Vinewood |
Through the Grapevine | 1 | 8 | Land Race | Lago Zancudo |
Touch Base | 1 | 16 | Bike Race | Vinewood Hills |
Truss Issues | 18 | 8 | Water Race | Banning |
Tunnel Vision | 20 | 8 | Bike Race | La Puerta |
Up in the Air | 12 | 8 | Air Race | Vinewood Hills |
Up the Back Alley | 25 | 4 | Land Race | San Andreas |
Vespucci Dreams | 25 | 8 | Land Race | Richards Majestic |
Vinewood Nights | 1 | 8 | Land Race | Great Chaparral |
Water Sports | 1 | 8 | Water Race | Palomino Highlands |
Wingin' It | 1 | 8 | Bike Race | Los Santos International Airport |
Without a Paddle | 1 | 8 | Water Race | Alamo Sea |