Sissy Spread reclame

Hoofdpagina > Grand Theft Auto: Vice City > Radiozenders > Wave 103 > Sissy Spread reclame

Koor: “Higher!”

Man: “The key to feeling great is looking great! And the way to look great is to have great hair. That’s great!”

Koor: “Take you hair higher!”

Man: “With Sissy Spread! When you’re clubbing or sticking your head outta a stretched limo sunroof, you want to know your hair is performing to the limit.”

Koor: “Higher! Higher than the sky!”

Man: “With Sissy Spread it’s hair from the future, not the past. When you have great hair, people know, you’re a winner!”

Disclaimer: “Sissy Spread may cause lympf loss, dying people, paranoia, hart narrowtation and milk glands, but your hair will be great!”

Koor: “Higher!”