Taxi Drivers

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Taxi Drivers Bula Matari
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Do it on Your Own Anna
My Tiny World Testing
Logo van KING 130 7
Rebel Radio in GTA2
Taxi Drivers Bulamatari
My Tiny World Testing
Holdin' it Out for You Stikki Fingerz
Standing on my Own Sterlin

Everybody saying that they’re not so bad
Everybody saying that we need ‘m bad
Well, everybody got their fucking heads up their ass

Everybody tells me they perform a service
But the same fuckin' people say they drive 'em nervous
Well, make your fucking mind up, you stupid twat

If you want to see them cry;
Poke 'em in the eye
put their fingers in the socket and watch them fry
Taxidrivers must die!

Everybody's sayin' that they drive 'em nuts
But when it comes to revenge they ain't got the guts
Well crawl back into your little hole, you little rat

United and strong we can fight them back
Teach them all a fucking lesson that they'll never forget
And watch the little bastards come crawling back;
"I'm sorry!"

If you want to see them cry;
Poke 'em in the eye
put their fingers in the socket and watch them fry
Taxidrivers must die!

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