Dazed and Confused

Logo van Futuro FM
Futuro FM in GTA2
L.E.D. Reed
All I wanna Do Davidson
Dazed and Confused Spangly Feet
Toucan Pie Stylus Exodus
Logo van KGBH Radio
KGBH Radio in GTA2
Surf City Cow Tastes Good
Dazed and Confused Spangly Feet
Onbekend nummer

Well, your mama always told you to never scab off school
Well, your papa always warned you to never break the rules,
or you would end up in the gutter like the other fools

So you slammed the door behind me
Get to your gut-up car.
You light up a spliff, take a long draw
You don't know where your're going,
but you know it's gonna be real fine.

Dazed and confused
Dazed and confused
I spend all my time just driving around
Smoking joints and drink your beer
I don't care 'cause I know no fear
Getting laid but I ain't getting paid
Dazed and confused
Dazed and confused

Heard there was a party going on somewhere right up town
So I snuck into a liquor store, get myself six pack
Got a sweet variety, I see vapor get off my back

Dazed and confused
Dazed and confused
I spend all my time just driving around
Smoking joints and drink your beer
I don't care 'cause I know no fear
Getting laid but I ain't getting paid
Dazed and confused
Dazed and confused


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