Bark At The Moon

Logo van Emotion 98.3
V-Rock in GTA Vice City
I Wanna Rock Twisted Sister
Too Young to Fall in Love Mötley Crüe
Cum On Feel The Noise Quiet Riot
She Sells Sanctuary The Cult
Bark At The Moon Ozzy Osbourne
Dangerous Bastard Love Fist
2 Minutes To Midnight Iron Maiden
Working For The Weekend Loverboy
God Blessed Video Alcatrazz
Cumin' Atcha Live Tesla
Turn Up The Radio Autograph
Peace Sells Megadeth
Madhouse Anthrax
Raining Blood Slayer
You've Got Another Thing Comin' Judas Priest
Fist Fury Love Fist
Yankee Rose David Lee Roth

Screams break the silence
Waking from the dead of night
Vengeance is boiling
He’s returned to kill the light
Then when he’s found who he’s looking for
Listen in awe and you’ll hear him...
Bark at the moon

Years spent in torment
Buried in a nameless grave
Now he has risen
Miracles would have to save
Those that this beast is looking for
Listen in awe and you’ll hear him...
Bark at the moon

They cursed and buried him
Along with shame
And thought his timeless soul had gone
In empty burning hell--unholy one
But now he’s returned to prove them wrong (oh no)

Howling in shadows
Living in a lunar spell
He finds his heaven
Spewing from the mouth of hell

And when he finds who he’s looking for
Listen in awe and you’ll hear him...
Bark at the moon.


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