Turn Up The Radio

Logo van Emotion 98.3
V-Rock in GTA Vice City
I Wanna Rock Twisted Sister
Too Young to Fall in Love Mötley Crüe
Cum On Feel The Noise Quiet Riot
She Sells Sanctuary The Cult
Bark At The Moon Ozzy Osbourne
Dangerous Bastard Love Fist
2 Minutes To Midnight Iron Maiden
Working For The Weekend Loverboy
God Blessed Video Alcatrazz
Cumin' Atcha Live Tesla
Turn Up The Radio Autograph
Peace Sells Megadeth
Madhouse Anthrax
Raining Blood Slayer
You've Got Another Thing Comin' Judas Priest
Fist Fury Love Fist
Yankee Rose David Lee Roth

Im working hard, you're working too
We do it every day
For every minute I have to work
I need a minute of play
Day in, day out, all week long
Things go better with rock
The only time I turn it down
Is when I'm sleepin it off

Turn up the radio
I need the music, gimmie some more
Turn up the radio
I wanna feel it, got to gimmie some more

Now listen
I wanna shake, I wanna dance
So count it off, a one two three
I feel the beat, I'm in a trance
No better place to be
Daytime nightime, anytime
Things go better with rock
I'm goin twenty four hours a day
I can't seem to stop

Turn up the radio
I need the music, gimmie some more
Turn up the radio
I wanna feel it, got to gimmie some more
I wanna feel it, got to gimmie some more

Turn up the radio
I need the music, gimmie some more
Turn up the radio
I wanna feel it, got to gimmie some more
to end


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