She Sells Sanctuary

Logo van Emotion 98.3
V-Rock in GTA Vice City
I Wanna Rock Twisted Sister
Too Young to Fall in Love Mötley Crüe
Cum On Feel The Noise Quiet Riot
She Sells Sanctuary The Cult
Bark At The Moon Ozzy Osbourne
Dangerous Bastard Love Fist
2 Minutes To Midnight Iron Maiden
Working For The Weekend Loverboy
God Blessed Video Alcatrazz
Cumin' Atcha Live Tesla
Turn Up The Radio Autograph
Peace Sells Megadeth
Madhouse Anthrax
Raining Blood Slayer
You've Got Another Thing Comin' Judas Priest
Fist Fury Love Fist
Yankee Rose David Lee Roth

Oh the heads that turn make my back burn
Oh the heads that turn make my back make my back burn

The sparkle in your eyes keeps me alive
The sparkle in your eyes keeps me alive keeps me alive

The world and the world turns around
The world and the world yeah the world drags me down

Oh the heads that turn make my back burn
and those heads that turn make my back make my back burn

Yeah the fire in your eyes keeps me alive
The fire in your eyes keeps me alive

I'm sure in her you'll find the sanctuary
I'm sure in her you'll find the sanctuary


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